New Year's Resolutions Your Pet Will Thank You For
For many, a new mindset accompanies the new calendar each year. These changes come in the form of New Year’s resolutions. If you have pets, then you might as well choose a resolution that benefits them, too! Consider these suggestions or come up with a four-legged-friendly New Year’s resolution of your own!
5 Pet-Friendly New Year's Resolutions
1. Get Active Together
Getting plenty of exercise is essential to both human health and pet health. Exercise helps us maintain a healthy weight. It reduces the chances of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and joint problems like osteoarthritis. It also releases endorphins that’ll make you and your pet feel happier and less stressed. So, get a harness, a leash, and hit the pavement!
2. Update Your Pet's Identification Information
About 10 million pets go missing every year. While every pet owner takes precautions to prevent their pets from getting lost or stolen, accidents can still happen. If your pet gets lost, you can greatly increase their chances of reuniting with you by getting them a microchip and keeping your contact information up to date.
So, resolve to update your pet’s ID tags and get a pet microchip sooner rather than later this year.
3. Challenge Your Brains
Just like pets need a healthy diet, vaccines, and regular exercise to stay healthy and happy, they also need enrichment with activities that keep their minds busy and entertained. You can enrich your pet’s life and bond at the same time with positive reinforcement training. Consider enrolling in a class or simply work with your pet at home.
4. Get Crafty
Enrich your life and your pet’s with fun craft projects. You can find endless recipes for homemade dog and cat treats and ideas for hand-crafted pet toys. Set a goal to try a new idea or recipe each month. You’ll have fun, and your pet will appreciate your efforts.
5. Open Your Hearts
Donate time volunteering at a local animal shelter or, if you have room in your home and budget, consider adopting another furry friend.

Start the New Year with Your Pet's Annual Wellness Exam
However you resolve to change your life this new year, one of the best ways to start is by scheduling an annual wellness and preventative care appointment for your pet. We’ll examine your pet and make sure all vaccines are up-to-date while answering any questions you might have regarding your pet’s changing health needs. From all of us at Olive Branch Pet Hospital, we wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year!