Nourishing Bonds: Debunking Holiday Food Myths to Keep Your Pets Safe
Misconceptions About Holiday Food & Your Pets
- Misconception #1: “Sharing is Caring” – Not Always for Pets:
- Misconception #2: “Bones are Good for Dogs” – Beware of Turkey Bones:

Holiday Foods to Avoid:
Turkey Skin and Fat: While lean, well-cooked turkey meat can be a treat for your pet, avoid sharing the fatty skin and drippings. High-fat content can lead to pancreatitis in pets, causing severe abdominal pain and discomfort.
Onions and Garlic: These aromatic ingredients are often used in Thanksgiving & Christmas recipes, but they contain compounds that can be toxic to pets. Keep stuffing, gravies, and seasoned dishes away from your furry friends.
Bread Dough: Unbaked bread dough may seem harmless, but it can expand in your pet’s stomach, causing bloating and potential obstruction. Keep yeast-containing foods out of reach.
Desserts and Sweets: Chocolate, artificial sweeteners (like xylitol), and desserts high in sugar are toxic to pets. Keep them off the menu and ensure your pet doesn’t get access to the dessert table.
Nuts: While some nuts are safe for pets in moderation, certain varieties, such as macadamia nuts, can be toxic. Keep all nuts out of reach and opt for pet-safe treats.