Nourishing Bonds: Debunking Holiday Food Myths to Keep Your Pets Safe

Nourishing Bonds: Debunking Holiday Food Myths to Keep Your Pets Safe

As we gather around the dinner table to celebrate and share delicious feasts, it’s only natural to want to include our furry friends in the festivities. However, not all Holiday foods are safe for pets, and there are several misconceptions that can put our beloved companions at risk. At Olive Branch Pet Hospital, we prioritize your pet’s health and well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore common misconceptions about pets and Holiday food, as well as highlight specific foods to avoid giving your pet during this holiday season.

Misconceptions About Holiday Food & Your Pets

  • Misconception #1: “Sharing is Caring” – Not Always for Pets:
Many pet owners believe that sharing Thanksgiving & Christmas leftovers with their furry friends is an expression of love. While it’s true that pets appreciate our attention, some human foods can be harmful to them. One common misconception is that all table scraps are safe for pets, leading to unintentional exposure to potentially toxic ingredients.
  • Misconception #2: “Bones are Good for Dogs” – Beware of Turkey Bones:
Another widespread misconception is that giving dogs turkey bones is safe. While your pup may love gnawing on bones, turkey bones can splinter and cause serious injuries, including choking, digestive tract obstruction, or punctures. Avoid sharing bones with your pet, and instead, provide them with pet-safe alternatives.

Holiday Foods to Avoid:

Turkey Skin and Fat: While lean, well-cooked turkey meat can be a treat for your pet, avoid sharing the fatty skin and drippings. High-fat content can lead to pancreatitis in pets, causing severe abdominal pain and discomfort.


Onions and Garlic: These aromatic ingredients are often used in Thanksgiving & Christmas recipes, but they contain compounds that can be toxic to pets. Keep stuffing, gravies, and seasoned dishes away from your furry friends.


Bread Dough: Unbaked bread dough may seem harmless, but it can expand in your pet’s stomach, causing bloating and potential obstruction. Keep yeast-containing foods out of reach.


Desserts and Sweets: Chocolate, artificial sweeteners (like xylitol), and desserts high in sugar are toxic to pets. Keep them off the menu and ensure your pet doesn’t get access to the dessert table.


Nuts: While some nuts are safe for pets in moderation, certain varieties, such as macadamia nuts, can be toxic. Keep all nuts out of reach and opt for pet-safe treats.

Celebrate The Holidays By Booking An Appointment For Your Pet!

This Holiday Season, let’s prioritize the health and safety of our four-legged family members. At Olive Branch Pet Hospital, we’re here to support you and your pets throughout the holiday season. If you have any concerns or questions about your pet’s well-being, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced veterinary team. Remember, a healthy pet is a happy pet, and with the right information, we can create a Holiday celebration that nourishes the bonds we share with our beloved companions. Happy Holidays from Olive Branch Pet Hospital!