5 Tips That Will Save You Money As a Pet Parent
In a study by the National Pet Owners Survey in 2016, 68% of American households have at least one pet in their household. And just like our kids and other family members, those pets sure do cost a lot of money! ! The average American spends $1,641 per year on their pet, not including veterinary care. Olive Branch Pet Hospital is happy to share some tips on how you can save money on your pet expenses!
Why Is My Pet Limping?
Limping is a fairly common ailment in dogs. However, it is never normal. Even if your pet’s limp is not an emergency, we recommend scheduling a checkup to determine the underlying cause of your pet’s limp and to take action to help prevent the issue from worsening. Call us at Olive Branch Pet Hospital to book an appointment today!
Common Household Items That Can Be Dangerous for Your Pet
As a pet parent, it’s your responsibility to provide a safe living environment for your pet, and this means taking steps to pet-proof your home and yard to make sure there aren’t any dangers accessible to your furry housemates.
5 Things to Watch for When Taking Your Dog to the Beach
Splashing in the waves at the beach is a great summer activity for dogs in the summer heat of Pensacola. To ensure you and your dog have a fun and safe time, there are some precautions you should take when you visit the beach with your dog.
Are Nutrition and Weight Management Right for My Pet?
You are a human concerned with your own health, then you are already aware that your weight and the nutrition you feed your body play a major role in your own health. The same is true for our pets. In order to live healthy and happy lives, we need to provide our pets with the proper nutrition through a balanced diet (and sometimes nutritional supplements) and help to manage their weight by providing opportunities for physical activity combined with the right number of daily calories.
Preparing for Flea and Tick Season
With our warm climate, the flea and tick season lasts pretty much the entire year. While the parasites might be slightly less active during the very coldest weeks of our winter, our climate never gets cold enough for them to go completely dormant.
Fun Facts About Puppies to Celebrate National Puppy Day
Whether you have a new puppy or just consider yourself a puppy enthusiast (and who isn’t enthusiastic about puppies?), we invite you to celebrate everything puppy in honor of National Puppy Day on March 23rd. At Olive Branch Pet Hospital, we celebrate puppies every day, but we’re bringing you some fun facts about puppies in honor of their own holiday.
It's Time to Get Your Pet's Teeth Cleaned
Although you might not realize it, pets need their teeth and gums cared for the same way that people need their teeth and gums cared for. This includes a combination of at-home care (such as teeth brushing, dental-friendly chew toys, and dental-friendly treats) and professional dental care at our veterinary hospital.
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